In my experience, Higurashi makes you experience a variety of emotions, both positive and negative ones (fitting for the title When They Cry). The new infected world would be beautiful just for him.I haven't played Corpse Party, but I have finished Higurashi. As time goes by, though, people would get used to that, since everyone was like them (Yoh was actually afraid of being seen in that form exactly because she was the only one). For him, it was the beautification of everything and himself. For the whole human race that was the start of madness until they became something like Yoh. So, whatever it is, once the world get infected, he himself wold be infected. But I'd suppose he sees himself as a beast too. If I remember right, it's not shown on the work he looking himself at the mirror. I think Fuminori certainly would become a meat-like creature too. V) I see people asking about Fuminori's end and Saya's end. for Fuminori, that was the start of the world becoming as "beautiful" as it was before the accident. That means the "true ending" made everything, for a regular human perspective, meat-like and ugly like Yoh, BUT.

His view was twisted, and she was the pretty angel. It was a coincidence that she found Fuminori. Saya could become "human-like" at any point to conquer a human, but she decided she wanted to be loved.

IV) Saya learned about love and got bored on her mission/instinct. I mean, SO! That means something speacial. III) By the CGs at the "true ending", it seems the meat-like thing takes over the whole planet. I suppose semen and food is necessary, so once Saya's body is full of it, it can sprout into many new seeds. I don't know if semen is necessary, Saya was really into that. So, they localize the species, study them, change their appearance in order to reproduce. II) It appears it takes some months or years, considering Ougai's story. They land somewhere and twist their forms to look like the smarter species they find while walking around the planet.

She landed on earth, we don't know how, and that is actually a regular proccess that happen to her species. I) So, Saya is an alien (it was an amusing coincidence for me to find this at this moment lol) and she was like a bud. I'd like to hear your opinions about these notes. Which made me realize some new things I hadn't realized after reading. Ok, so I finished some hours ago and I've read this post